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The Major Types of Automatic Pool Cleaners


An important aspect of ensuring safe swimming is the maintenance of your in-ground pool. Additionally, you get to offer protection to your long-term investment. To clean your swimming pool manually is very tiresome and time-consuming. As a pool owner, you can invest in buying an automatic pool cleaner. Automatic pool cleaners enable one to efficiently clean your swimming pool and is not time-consuming. Using an automatic pool cleaner will make your pool have clean water free of contaminants and algae and have an enjoyable swimming time.


There are a wide range of automatic pool cleaners that are affordable both for above ground pools and in-ground pools. Mainly there are three kinds of in ground and above ground automatic pool cleaners that are categorized in their method of debris collection and movement. They are such as pressure side automatic cleaners, robotic pool cleaners and suction side pool cleaners. Below is a closer look at each of the three types. Read more about the best intex pool vacuum here.


Suction Side automatic pool cleaners utilize the suction power made by the filtration system of your pool to boost a pool cleaner in your swimming pool thus picking up the accumulated dirt from the pool floor. Suction side automatic pool cleaners are usually joined to the pool's skimmer that facilitates the collection of dirt from the pool and deposited into the filtration system. They are easy to use and connect to your swimming pool. Also, there is no or less adjustments and spare parts required to connect the suction side pool cleaner with your swimming pool.


The robotic automatic pool cleaners have a built-in filtration system and functions autonomously from the pools filtrations system. To clean up your swimming pool the robotic automatic pool cleaners utilize the electric motors that circulate around the pool. A robotic pool cleaner cleans the pool floor together with the walls and the stairs of an in-ground pool. Additionally, they are made to scrub the swimming pools water line to discard the stain on the water line that is commonly found in many pools.


There is more cash saving with the best robotic pool cleaner  because they do not need your filtration system and pool pump running in order for them to work. This way there is no cleaning your filtration system after every use and wastage of chemically treated water. You also do not use more electricity. Robotic pool cleaners are accessible in countless models and sizes.

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